
A soundscape journey visualizing the book '2001 - A space odyssey' by Arthur C. Clarke.
The music is a one hour long exploration of ambient music, spiced up with some minimalism. It consists of four tracks - or chapters, each representing a key element in the book.
Looking back on my body of work, Odyssey is definitely the odd one out. Though it was my debut album, both Tabula Rasa and Constructions were conceived earlier. Back in the late nineties I was living in a one room apartment that I had filled up with instruments and musical equipment. Unfortunately I didn't know what I needed to achieve the sound I wanted, and I was buying equipment in the blind. I had hours of music, but Odyssey was the first time I achieved a satisfying sound quality. I can't remember how or when I got the idea, but once I had it in my mind it really didn't take long to get down on tape. Initially I did some midi programming, but I soon switched to hand played improvisations. Rhythm, melody and chord structures were of no importance. The soundscape was the key. This was the first, and so far only time, I've used improvisations as compositional tool. In 2010 I tried to do a sequel to Odyssey, but found myself unable to pull it off. The summer of 2000 seems to have been the only time I was able to perform free form improvisations as found on Odyssey. I guess it was a phase.
Ste van Holm: Vocals, Guitars and Keyboards.
Thomas Hillebrandt: Indirect noise contributions
Produced and engineered by Ste van Holm
Recorded between February and November 2000
Mastered by Ste van Holm
Digital Booklet:
Stream 'Odyssey':